Saturday, 25 July 2009


Today Mum went in to hospital for a really minor operation. She'll be there for a week, and then will need looking after for a month or so.
I don't know whether it's because i'm the younger daughter or just how I am about blood and stuff, but everyone was pretty reluctant for me to go. I even think Mum told Carl to 'look after me' after i'd been to visit her, which at first I found a little patronising.
However, now that i've actually been to see her, i realise i've never seen her so vulnerable or in pain. With the exception of the occasional headache my mum is normally on top form, so i guess today was a little weird.
The silver lining is that Carl and I have the house to ourselves for a week! AND he finally got his passport back so Venice here we come :). It feels like there's a lot going on right now, so this post is a bit of a mess but there's a few other things that have happened;
It was my last day at Punky Fish on Wednesday (22nd)- I feel the biggest sense of relief to be rid of that place and those people!
I also haven't really been to Leicester for a month and I think it's starting to get to me a little- I'm missing Sandy, Molly, and Elliott a lot.

Anyway, i'll polish this later!

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